Use "parenchyma|parenchymas" in a sentence

1. Another form of parenchyma that is closely related to vasicentric is Aliform parenchyma

2. The liver parenchyma consists of Acinuses

3. Aliform: Similar to vasicentric parenchyma arrangement but with wing-like extensions of parenchyma on two sides of the pore

4. 7 There were parenchyma, bast fiber and brown block in powder.

5. The atrophied parenchyma was replaced by adipose and fibrous tissue.

6. 23 Vascular bundle parenchyma cell vacuolated and arranged irregularly. The vascular bundle parenchyma cell of heterozygous plants mixed together and its nucleus were transferred.

7. Intracranial Calcifications refer to Calcifications within the brain parenchyma or vasculature ( 1 )

8. The main difference between chlorenchyma and Aerenchyma is that chlorenchyma is a form of parenchyma, containing chloroplasts, but Aerenchyma is another form of parenchyma, containing large air spaces

9. Aerenchyma: Ø They are parenchyma cells with plenty of intercellular spaces

10. The round depressions occurred on the surface of the venule in the lung parenchyma.

11. Bullous emphysema refers to the formation of bullae within emphysematous lung parenchyma

12. Atelectasis may occur in three ways: (i) airway obstruction; (ii) compression of parenchyma by

13. Atelectasis describes a state of the collapsed and non-aerated regions of the lung parenchyma

14. Radiolabeled auxin was also able to move between the primary xylem parenchyma in the interior of the stem and the Basipetal stream in the cambial zone, an exchange that was likely mediated by ray parenchyma cells

15. Bile Canaliculi fine tubular channels forming a three-dimensional network within the parenchyma of the liver

16. In the brain parenchyma, Cysticerci form a thin capsule of fibrous tissue that thickens with time

17. Bile Canaliculi fine tubular channels forming a three-dimensional network within the parenchyma of the liver

18. In an adenoid basalioma the amount of ubiquinone in the tubular tumor parenchyma was found to be relatively high.

19. Blebs: Effectively “blisters” that occur within layers of the visceral pleura, rather than within lung parenchyma itself

20. The main constituents of the axial system are sieve cells, phloem parenchyma cells, crystalliferous cells and radial plates.

21. This term literally means “wing-shaped.” Despite the suggestive name, there are actually two primary variants of Aliform parenchyma: the first is winged, where short appendages or wings of parenchyma extend from one or both sides of the pore.

22. Passive Atelectasis results from space-occupying lesions in either the pleural space or the parenchyma compressing adjacent normal lung tissue.

23. Pathologically, Anastomosing haemangioma presents with Anastomosing sinusoidal capillary-sized vessels in an architecture reminiscent of the splenic parenchyma

24. In vitro adventitious root formation from the leaf blade was associated with parenchyma cells surrounding the main vein.

25. Results: The general medical conditions mostly were skin parenchyma scathe , infection disease, malnutrition and fracture and so on.

26. ‘Types of paratracheal parenchyma are scanty paratracheal, vasicentric, Aliform, confluent, and unilateral paratracheal.’ ‘The wood of Mimosa teniflora presents porous distributed in uniform diffuse porosity; axial parenchyma paratracheal vasicentric, confluent vasicentric, Aliform and confluent Aliform; and very short fibers with thick walls.’

27. Pathologically, Anastomosing haemangioma presents with Anastomosing sinusoidal capillary-sized vessels in an architecture reminiscent of the splenic parenchyma

28. Soon after pollination, the first anatomical evidence of abscission appears as plasmolysis of the separation layer parenchyma cells.

29. Adenomas are distinct nodules of neoplastic epithelial tissue in the pulmonary parenchyma that may compress the surrounding tissue (Figure 6)

30. The origin of the midvein calli developed mainly from the vascular cylinder, the palisade tissues and the phloem parenchyma cells.

31. The layer of specialized, cutinized parenchyma cells that develops in the Abscission zone, the disintegration of which causes Abscission.

32. At the stage of microspore, the tapetal cells evidently degenerated, and starches in parenchyma around vascular bundle became large.

33. The term Atelectasis describes a state of collapsed and non-aerated region of the lung parenchyma, which is otherwise normal

34. Pulmonary Carcinoids are often located centrally within the tracheobronchial tree, and approximately 10% to 20% are in the peripheral lung parenchyma

35. Axial parenchyma in Conzatia was scanty vasicentric, but in the rest of the species was Aliform, Aliform confluent, and in bands

36. Bile Canaliculi ramify throughout the hepatic parenchyma, depositing bile within the most peripheral portion of the biliary tree, the canals of Hering

37. Alveolar macrophages are the most abundant innate immune cells in the distal lung parenchyma, located on the luminal surface of the Alveolar space

38. Outer integument differentiation was nearly completed by 35% maximum seed size, when articulated parenchyma, aerenchyma, and pits in the developing tracheids were observed.

39. Aerenchyma formation in this species is unusual and presents a unique system suitable for a study of developmentally programmed cell death in parenchyma cells.

40. After a lag period of 4 weeks, nearly all experimental animals developed preneoplastic (clear cell, acidophilic, basophilic, mixed cell) foci of the liver parenchyma.

41. The portions containing air are of a light brick-red colour, and Crepitate under the finger.: The parenchyma in the darker places on section did not Crepitate.

42. A pulmonary Alveolus (plural: Alveoli, from Latin Alveolus, "little cavity") is a hollow cup-shaped cavity found in the lung parenchyma where gas exchange takes place

43. Pneumonia is an acute infection of the parenchyma of the lung that until recently was classified as either community-Acquired pneumonia (CAP) or health care–associated pneumonia (HCAP)

44. Auxin together with Cytokinin induces agreater than 40-fold increase in a p34cdc2-like kinase in tobacco excised pith parenchyma cells as well as in tobacco suspension cells

45. After meiosis, abundant small starches appeared in parenchyma around vascular bundle, and the size of tapetal cells increased and became high vacuolation but there were no starches in the cells.

46. Tooth body namely dental itself, include bone of essence of enamel, tooth, tooth the strong organization of 3 kinds of calcify and composition of dental pulp of a kind of parenchyma.

47. Oogenesis of Lithodes santolla: histological and histochemical characterization (B) Numerous blastoconidia are observed in the middle of the pulmonary parenchyma, with a slightly Basophilic central cell, surrounded by an unstained capsule.

48. Cavernomas of the CNS may involve brain parenchyma as well as the spinal cord and belong to those cerebrovascular malformations that have no arteriovenous shunt and thus are generally angiographically occult.

49. The opposite of acropetal ‘Expression of the DXR gene in adaxial phloem parenchyma cells was more pronounced in the young revoluted base of the leaves with a Basipetal gradient decreasing toward the tips of older leaves.’

50. Asbestosis is defined pathologically as bilateral, diffuse interstitial fibrosis of the lungs caused by the inhalation of asbestos fibers (Figure 65-1).Gray streaks of fibrosis can be seen in the parenchyma along interlobar and interlobular septa

51. The key difference between chlorenchyma and Aerenchyma is that chlorenchyma is a specialized parenchyma tissue that contains chloroplasts and carries out photosynthesis while Aerenchyma is a spongy tissue that contains large air spaces.

52. Ground glass opacity (GGO) is defined as diffuse pulmonary infiltration which does not obscure vessels and bronchial walls and is due to intra-alveolar or interstitial processes of pulmonary parenchyma which only partially replace air.

53. Cerebral Cavernous malformations (CCMs) are vascular malformations in the brain and spinal cord comprising closely clustered, enlarged capillary channels (caverns) with a single layer of endothelium without mature vessel wall elements or normal intervening brain parenchyma

54. The corresponding values in the pancreas run up to 6.3% (3.4%) in the acinus parenchyma and 19.6% (8.8%) in the islet cells of Langerhans. In the duct epithelia no significant increase of labelled cells can be found.

55. Stress on one Alveolus is therefore transmitted to neighbouring alveoli; The interconnected network of walls allows mechanical stress to be shared across a larger area of lung parenchyma; This mechanism contributes to the elastic recoil of the lung in distension and …

56. Cerebral Cavernous malformations (CCMs) are vascular malformations in the brain and spinal cord comprising closely clustered, enlarged capillary channels (caverns) with a single layer of endothelium without mature vessel wall elements or normal intervening brain parenchyma

57. At this age, the pulmonary frame and parenchyma are improved: connective tissue in the septum disappears, Acinuses, interalveolar communication, Kon pores (they play a significant role in collateral ventilation in violation of bronchial patency) are finally formed.

58. Liver Acinus the smallest functional unit of the liver, a mass of liver parenchyma that is supplied by terminal branches of the portal vein and hepatic artery and drained by a terminal branch of the bile duct.

59. The cells of the mesophyll-like parenchyma tissue are distinguished by a great range of variation of their plastids (chloroplasts — chloroamyloplasts — amyloplasts) and some special cytological features such as a strongly developed rough ER, big nuclei, and numerous plasmodesmata (TEM).

60. A Bulla is a permanent, air-filled space within the lung parenchyma that is at least 1 cm in size and has a thin or poorly defined wall; it is bordered only by remnants of alveolar septae and/or pleura.

61. One of these is the “overloading and the reduction of the blood flow in certain areas caused by the increase of the viscosity of the blood” and the accumulation of iron “with negative consequences for the parenchyma (liver, kidneys, heart, endocrine glands, etc.).”

62. The ADC of intratesticular malignancies has been proved to be lower than that of various intratesticular Benignities and normal testicular parenchyma ; however, previous studies of ADC discriminating between testicular malignancies and Benignities calculated ADC via 2-dimensional ROI placed on a representative part of the lesion [, , ,24,26].

63. ‘In waterlogged soils, plants strongly influence soil oxygen availability by transporting oxygen through Aerenchyma to soils.’ ‘There are large intercellular spaces between the irregular cells, and the parenchyma looks like Aerenchyma.’ ‘Programmed cell death also takes place in the cortex of adventitious roots to form Aerenchyma.’

64. A´cini) (L.) any of the smallest lobules of a compound gland. liver Acinus the smallest functional unit of the liver, a mass of liver parenchyma that is supplied by terminal branches of the portal vein and hepatic artery and drained by a terminal branch of the bile duct.

65. The results showed a higher sensitivity of the thoracic CT examination than conventional chest X-ray. The CT of the thorax in patients with multiple trauma is an important adjunct to conventional chest X-ray and is more sensitive in the depiction of lung parenchyma as well as vascular injuries.

66. Berylliosis, or chronic beryllium disease (CBD), is a chronic granulomatous lung disease involving the airways, lymph nodes, and lung parenchyma caused by inhalation of beryllium, a lightweight metal used in a variety of industrial applications, including in manufacture of metal, metal alloys, and ceramics; electronics; and in the defense and

67. As the in vivo brain is less dense than the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), one hypothesis explaining this observation is that upon skull impact, the denser CSF moves toward the site of skull impact displacing the brain in the opposite direction, such that the initial impact of the brain parenchyma is at the Contrecoup